Friday, January 2, 2015


It's the new year and like everyone else I've made my resolutions. One being to finally get my house uncluttered! 
I had seen this book pop up on my bloggingforbooks site but it would not open for me to review. 
I waited & waited until the one day it finally did & I snapped it up right during the holidays! 
Perfect I thought. I can go through my house throw away the obvious stuff while I wait for the book to grace my doorstep. 
Well I did not go through my house because it was the holidays & I was busy but no matter once I did get the book I would know where to start. 
So imagine my disappointment to find that the book read like an autobiography and not a how to. 
I came away feeling like I read a book about a woman with OCD that liked to throw away other people shit. 
As a book lover I cringed (she said I would, at least that part was right) at the fact that she wanted you to throw all your books on the floor & only keep the ones that "sparked joy". They all spark joy that is why they are there! 
If I went by her spark joy theory on clothing I would be walking around naked constantly because I would have none left. 
Although I found the majority of the book unhelpful I did find some other parts helpful and may implement them in my decluttering practices. 
For this reason I choose to split the stars down the middle 2.5 out of 5.
I am curious if any of you have already read the book and what your thoughts were? 
I received this book free from for a fair and honest review.

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